
Showing posts from May, 2023

Storytime: how I adopted my cat :3

The seventh of march of this year marked the two years anniversary since I adopted my cat, Tobias. Two years ago my mom was scrolling through facebook, when she came upon a post about some kitties that some random person was giving away. My mom then showed me the pictures of the kitties, and there was a particularly white one that really caught my attention because of the way that it looked. It was very silly looking and it looked like a a little alien. So of course, we went to pick her up, and when the person that was taking care of the kitties gave it to me, my heart got taken away by her. She was much more little that it seemed in the post. When I got Tobias, at the moment that I got her, she was ony 2 weeks old, so I had to nurture her until she grown. I gave her milk in a little bottle every 3 hours, and had to clean her all the time, just like a mama cat would do to her babies. But all of that was two years ago, today Tobias is a beautiful and strong adult cat, that can feed and


  MEXICAN FOOD   Mexico is know as a one of the most cultural countries around the world, and without doubt, food is one of the relevant aspects that define a culture. According to U.S News, Mexican food have the second place in the top of the best foods around the world, only behind Italy.  That is why we, as Mexican people have to be proud of our culture and commemorate it, as well as our food; for that reason I decided to make a top 3 of best Mexican food based in my opinion, mentioning where they are from, as well as their composition. 1. Enchiladas Enchiladas is a typical Mexican dish that is made with a corn tortilla, bathed in a sauce, spicy or not, using a chile in its preparation.  The dish has its origins in pre-Columbian civilizations, and with the time this dish has been changing until it is nowadays known and found around all the Mexican Republic.   2. Chilaquiles   Chilaquiles are a Mexican dish made up of fried crispy tortilla chips, a red or green sauce, fried eggs and

My favourite albums at the moment.

 Music is one of my most favorite things, to hear such melodies every day truly makes it a bit easier to get out of bed. Even I have some songs as alarms so that if I hear a song I know what time it is. With this blog post, I would like to share some of my favorite albums at the moment, and why I started to listen to them. 1. To Pimp A Butterfly by Kendrick Lamar Because I wanted to practice my listening more. I started to watch "video essays", one of those essays was about Kendrick Lamar's "To Pimp A Butterfly" a 2015 album that talks about racial issues in America mixed with Kendrick's experience as a kid living in Compton. It touches on the struggle of African Americans with social issues with a true, honest commentary by Kendrick, even if before he never had talked about his personal life. I became fascinated with this album, and even more when I had learned about the context behind its creation. 2. IGOR by Tyler the Creator   I have never been too much

How falling pray to false cognates is the mark of someone who hasn't yet mastered the English language!

When first starting out learning English, or any new language for that matter, it is with high hopes that the new learner tries to find some word patterns that may help them quickly acquire new vocabulary so that they may start coming up with some basic sentences. Naturally, as times progresses, the new learner is expected to keep on learning new words, even when such words do not have any similarities whatsoever to their native language.    After years of learning and practicing the new language, there comes a time when the learner feels like they are at the peak of their language-proficiency mastery. At this point, they might have even taken some language-proficiency exams such as the ITEP or TOEFL and, thus, feel like there is nothing else for them to learn. Yet when they open their mouths to communicate in the proverbial language, those around them have no choice but to cringe as they quite literally butcher the English language and spout unintelligible sentences due to the fa

The Power of Learning Math

Introduction:   Welcome to my blog, where we delve into the fascinating world of mathematics and explore its significance in our lives. Often underestimated and overlooked, math is more than just numbers and equations; it is a powerful tool that helps us understand and navigate the complexities of the world we live in. In this article, we will unravel the importance of learning math and how it equips us with invaluable skills that extend far beyond the realm of numbers.   Developing Critical Thinking Skills:   At its core, learning math enhances our critical thinking abilities. It teaches us how to analyze problems, break them down into manageable components, and identify effective strategies for solving them. Through mathematical concepts and techniques, we train our minds to think in a structured and organized manner. This structured thinking not only applies to mathematical puzzles but also transcends into our everyday lives, empowering us to approach real-life challenge

Procrastination: Why Willpower is not Enough

An Hollistic Sight to Procrastination Procrastination is often viewed as a problem of motivation and willpower. We tell ourselves that if we just push harder, we'll be able to get things done. However, the reality is that procrastination is often a symptom of deeper emotional issues that need to be addressed. In this article, we'll explore the emotional perspective on procrastination and how developing emotional skills can help you overcome it. The first step in addressing procrastination is to recognize that it is often a product of emotional factors. For example, procrastination may be a way of avoiding uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, fear, or self-doubt. By putting off tasks, we avoid facing these emotions and the potential failure or disappointment that may come with them. This avoidance can become a habit, making it difficult to break the cycle of procrastination. To overcome procrastination, it's important to develop emotional skills that will allow you to bet

The Transformative Power of Engineering

  First, I want to start saying that thinking about the topic of a blog was a really tough decision that, after some time, was clearer for me. When I started thinking about why we are here in UPY studying an engineering major, it hit me we are here to “Transform”. Engineering advancement and creativity are sparked by the capacity to modify already built objects. Engineers may make incredible strides by rethinking, enhancing, and applying existing creations to many fields. With relevant examples, this text analyzes the transformational character of engineering and highlights its capability to enhance current solutions and spread innovations across several sectors. Iterative Development: Transformative engineering entails making ongoing improvements to current layouts and setups. To find areas for improvement, engineers frequently use user insights, data analysis, and feedback. For instance, experts in the automotive industry are always enhancing car designs to

Unveiling the Pillars of Transparency and Compliance in the ICT Sector

  Introduction: Welcome, fellow IT enthusiasts! Today, we delve into the captivating world of transparency and compliance in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. As technology permeates every aspect of our lives, ensuring that businesses and organizations adhere to ethical practices and regulations becomes increasingly important. In this blog, we explore the significance of transparency and compliance in the ICT sector and shed light on the key principles and strategies that pave the way for a trustworthy and responsible digital future.   1. Understanding Transparency in the ICT Sector: Transparency serves as the bedrock of accountability and trust in the ICT sector. As technology evolves at a rapid pace, it is crucial for organizations to be open and honest about their practices, policies, and data handling. In this section, we explore the benefits of transparency, including fostering customer trust, promoting innovation, and mitigating risks. We also di

Transparency and Compliance in ICT by Daniel Ihuit

     Compliance according to Power DMS 2020 is basically, when a company follows with all applicable state, federal, and international laws and regulations. Specific criteria can vary greatly based on the sector and the type of business. Some examples of regulatory compliance include: The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, he Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR).      In the other hand, transparency based on Terrel, K 2020 refers to "being transparent and honest in a commercial or governance situation." Transparency implies that all of an organization's acts should be meticulous enough to withstand public examination. In this why being transparent lead to benefits such as: trust increased, better relationships, greater employee engagement and so on. How are they related?      Therefore, compliance are the rules that an enterprise must follow and regulate, and transparency is h

The freedom and the word "no"

From the beginning, humanity has wanted to free itself from its oppressors, from everything that would limit it, be it other humans, dangers or whatever. The primordial search of the human being is that of freedom. But how free are we, and what is freedom? If we ask this question to someone who has spent his whole life inside walls without being able to go out because of the dangers outside, freedom for him is that of a pigeon, free to go wherever he wants whenever he wants. For a person who has been constantly told what to do and what to be, freedom is that which ordinary people have, who are able to choose what they want to be and when they want to do it. Finally, for a person who has lost his loved ones and parts of his body due to his ignorance and the rules of the world, freedom is found in knowing everything and being able to face the truth, the essence of the world itself, god. But although all these ideas of freedom may seem perfect, you will not be entirely free. C

Can videogames be considered art?

 Have you ever played a videogame that stood out for something different than its playability? Like the way it looked, or the story it told. With the massive growth of the videogame industry in the last few decades, the amount and variety of the contents found in these works have seen a notable increase of quality in every possible area. For this reason, some have argued that videogames are a new way of making art, or even that they are a new fine art.  The first point I would like to make is that my experience with videogames has shown me many different narrative and visual expressions that it would be an insult not to consider them a new alternative way to show literature, music and visual arts. The first example that comes to mind is Nier Automata, the story surrounding this game is filled with philosophical concepts that tie the characters and the world perfectly. In my opinion, this is a clear display of literature.  Following the previous argument, I will admit that even though I

What is Artemis? Everything you need to know about NASA's new moon mission

  NASA has embarked on a yearslong mission called   Artemis  that involves a multistage plan to send astronauts to the moon and beyond. The Artemis mission will culminate with landing the first woman and person of color on the moon. This mission will prepare humanity for the long journey to Mars, and it will help us establish a sustainable lunar economy. NASA is working with international and commercial partners to carry out the mission. What's the most recent Artemis update? Why is it called Artemis? On Dec. 11,  NASA completed the first Artemis mission . Orion, the Artemis I spacecraft, splashed down in the Pacific Ocean after a successful 25.5-day mission around the moon. The  Artemis I mission launched  on Nov. 16 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, following several aborted launches due to technical issues and storms. NASA sent the unmanned Orion spacecraft into orbit around the moon to  test NASA's deep space exploration systems . At its farthest, Orion was a