Storytime: how I adopted my cat :3

The seventh of march of this year marked the two years anniversary since I adopted my cat, Tobias. Two years ago my mom was scrolling through facebook, when she came upon a post about some kitties that some random person was giving away. My mom then showed me the pictures of the kitties, and there was a particularly white one that really caught my attention because of the way that it looked. It was very silly looking and it looked like a a little alien. So of course, we went to pick her up, and when the person that was taking care of the kitties gave it to me, my heart got taken away by her. She was much more little that it seemed in the post. When I got Tobias, at the moment that I got her, she was ony 2 weeks old, so I had to nurture her until she grown. I gave her milk in a little bottle every 3 hours, and had to clean her all the time, just like a mama cat would do to her babies. But all of that was two years ago, today Tobias is a beautiful and strong adult cat, that can feed and clean herself. Tobias always has been a pretty iconic cat, and I consider her my partner in life. Taking care of Tobias had been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life, and I would not change that for anything, not even a million dollars. I wish for Tobias to have a healthy, happy and long life by my side.
Tobias when I just got her (circa 2021)
Tobias today :3 Feel free to leave in the comments if you have pets and a picture of them, I would really like to see them :) (I don´t really know if you can put pictures in the comments lol)


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