Transparency and Compliance in ICT by Daniel Ihuit

    Compliance according to Power DMS 2020 is basically, when a company follows with all applicable state, federal, and international laws and regulations. Specific criteria can vary greatly based on the sector and the type of business. Some examples of regulatory compliance include: The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, he Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, and the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR).

    In the other hand, transparency based on Terrel, K 2020 refers to "being transparent and honest in a commercial or governance situation." Transparency implies that all of an organization's acts should be meticulous enough to withstand public examination. In this why being transparent lead to benefits such as: trust increased, better relationships, greater employee engagement and so on.

How are they related?

    Therefore, compliance are the rules that an enterprise must follow and regulate, and transparency is how actually the enterprise express their actions honestly. These concepts are strongly related, and the reality is that they are not as easy to achieve as we may think, therefore, there are some strategies that could be followed, but they start by being transparent. So, Honesty is the most important factor that is made by the education of every individual, with this value and maybe some others, following Compliance in a Enterprise could be easier. 


Terrel, K. 2020. Transparency. Whatis,com. Consulted in:

PowerDMS, 2020. What Is Regulatory Compliance and Why Is It Important? PowerDms by NeoGorv. Consulted in:


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