Class work one - Diego Monroy

 I woke up feeling like a shipwreck in a seasickness-chic outfit, my brain still tangoing with last night's deadline. Outside, the sun was already doing the guayabera grin, tempting me with siesta envy, but the keyboard warrior in me had a mango mayhem of emails to conquer. So, I brewed a caffeinated potion, donned my pit-fighting toothpick, and charged into the digital arena, ready to slay some to-do dragons with sarcastic emojis and witty font choices. Viva la procrastination, baby!


· Seasickness-chic: That breezy, bohemian style worn after a questionable late-night seafood escapade. Think linen pants stained with oyster sauce, and a straw hat adorned with a rogue shrimp tail.

· Keyboard warrior: The internet gladiator who wields witty comments and scathing emojis in the vast arena of online forums. Their weapon of choice? A sarcastic font and a caffeine-fueled sense of outrage.

· Deadline tango: The frantic dance between procrastination and panic, performed every week by freelancers, students, and anyone with a to-do list longer than their arm. Expect dramatic flourishes (last-minute emails) and unexpected lifts (coffee-induced bursts of productivity).

· Siesta envy: The longing gaze cast towards napping cats and hammock-swinging abuelas while stuck in a fluorescent-lit office. It's a bittersweet cocktail of admiration and resentment, best served with a cold glass of horchata.

· Mango mayhem: The messy, sticky, but utterly delightful aftermath of devouring a perfectly ripe mango. Think juice dripping down chins, laughter echoing through the kitchen, and pit battles fought with toothpicks.

· Guayabera grin: The mischievous smile that stretches across faces when hatches are hatched, jokes are cracked, and life's little absurdities are gleefully embraced. It's a contagious grin, fueled by sunshine, tequila, and the unyielding spirit of Yucatán.


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