Albert Camus, famous works.

 Who was Albert Camus?

I always love reading a good book. Everyday I try to read some sort of story or short book, so that I can maintain my ability to read and understand literal and metaphorical sentences. I also love philosofy, more on the curious side of the human mind more than the actual part of becoming a philosofer, so I started to read into various works from multiple authors, and one of the most interesting ones, and the one I am writing this blog about, is Albert Camus.

Albert Camus was a french philosofer and author, born in the 7th of November in 1913. He is known for his works and books that talk about the phylosofical theory of absurdism, one where the universe is thought to be irrational and meaningless.

Camus is known for writing very heavy stories, that talk about the feeling of meaninglessness, lack of connection, and emptyness.

The Stranger (1965)

One of his most aclaimed and known works is "The Stranger", the story of a man that does not have the capability of understanding feelings and emotions, and the problem he gets into because of that.

This book explores the extremes of human understanding and emotions, which comes from the perspective of a man that is completely disconnected from the meaning of feeling things.

It is one of his most popular stories, even getting a movie adaptation in 1967, which even though it did not to too well, it is one of the most faithful book-to-movie adaptations to date.

The Plague (1947)

Another of his most famous works is "The Plague", where a big plague hits a town, and the narrator talks absrudly about the things that are happening and the people that are experiencing it.

This book focuses on the way that we are powerless to change our destiny if it is taken by a force beyond pur control, and that we are all destined to die, regardless of what you do.

This book was a big hit due to the mysterious identity of its narrator, which is revealed at the end of the book.

Albert Camus is one of the best authors of horror and thriller books, specially in the psychological horror genre, due to his views on life and everything around us.


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