
Showing posts from June, 2023
  Legalizing Cannabis, The way to go The legalization of cannabis has become a very controversial topic over years. As societies evolves and attitudes towards marijuana change, it is crucial to explore the potential benefits that come with legalizing this controversial substance. Now weare going to explore some of the legalization benefits. Economic Advantages One of the key benefits of legalizing cannabis is the potential for significant economic growth. By establishing regulated markets, governments can generate substantial tax revenues from the production, distribution, and sale of cannabis products. Legalization also creates job opportunities, which further contributes to economic growth and reduces unemployment rates. Public Health and Safety Regulated cannabis markets allow for safer consumption practices and quality control. Legalization ensures that consumers have access to standardized products, therefore minimizing health risks associated with contaminated or adulterated subs

Neuralink: Unleashing the Potential of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Neuralink, spearheaded by Elon Musk, is an ambitious venture focused on developing advanced brain-computer interface (BCI) technology. This cutting-edge innovation has the potential to bring about revolutionary changes in various aspects of our lives. Let's explore why Neuralink could be beneficial. Enhancing cognition and mental performance: Giving us a computer-mind interface would unlock new ways how to store data while having direct access direct from our brains. Restoring functionality for the disabled. Another functionality neuralink is supposed to have is the restoration of the neurological and physical paths for motor function capabilities. Advancing medical research and treatments. Also, medical field would have a huge advancement as it would allow people to research and study way faster. Augmenting senses and perception. Also, as we have a computer part interface we can add specialized sensors giving us a huge window on what is possible. Fostering symbiotic collaboration
Valorant: A Thrilling Fusion of Skill and Strategy   Introduction: Valorant, the popular tactical first-person shooter developed by Riot Games, has captivated gamers around the world with its unique blend of skill-based gameplay and strategic depth. In this short blog, we will explore why Valorant stands out as a fantastic game in the competitive gaming landscape.   1. Precise Gunplay: Valorant puts a premium on precise gunplay, rewarding players who can master the mechanics of aiming, shooting, and movement. With a wide range of weapons that each have their own characteristics, players must learn to control recoil, manage reload times, and make split-second decisions. The satisfaction of landing a perfectly executed headshot or clutching a round with precise marksmanship is unmatched.   2. Team-Based Tactics: Valorant emphasizes teamwork and strategic coordination. Each match requires careful planning, communication, and execution to secure victory. Agents, the diver

How to deal with the desire to sleep 24/7

Undoubtedly, we have all experienced a day where we definitely don't feel ourselves. It could be because we didn't sleep well the night before or because we feel like we need more hours of sleep. To alleviate this inevitable feeling of heaviness, the first thing you can do is have a good breakfast and a nice shower. If for some reason you couldn't do either of these activities, then we are in serious trouble. Starting the day without a shower and without eating breakfast usually leads to a sluggish morning, so it is advisable to eat something as soon as possible, preferably something high in sugar. Sleeping is definitely one of the favorite activities of many people, so dealing with that feeling/mood becomes a lifestyle, making it impossible not to want to sleep all the time.                                                                                                                    Created by: Diego Monroy 

insulting 24/7

As far as I can remember, my friends came into my life because I was vulgar and offensive towards other people. I'm not proud of that, but at least I am not alone anymore, I guess. At least people like me. But now that I am an adult, I wonder how bad that deal was. I do not want to say I am not at a turning point, but I do not know any other way of socializing other than being loud, stompy, and acting idiotically. And that has led me to a social life of people who only know how to degrade others as a form of conversation. I am not innocent by any means, and I don't believe that the people and friends that surround me are a bad influence. Honestly, I think it's backwards. I remember finishing primary school and wondering how I should make new friends in a different environment. After spending nine years of my life in a single school, the change of scenery hit me. I promised myself to stop being harsh and bold towards other people's feelings. However, that did not last lo

Not from here, not from there

Last spring I went back to my hometown during our vacations break, while I was there, I was constantly in touch with my friends and family, a common thing that they used to tell me was that I adquired another accent and that I have lost some characteristics of myself because of my new environment. At first I thought that changing a little bit wasnt something out of the world and, in fact, was normal because now I spend more time in a year here in Merida, the problem was when I came back to Merida. Here some things feel different again and also my friends still treat me as a foreigner. I just came back to my another reality where I dont know somethings about this city and this made me feel foreigner again. Going back to my hometown and feeling different and coming back to Merida and feeling the same made me think that I wasn't a part of my hometown anymore, but that doesn't mean that I belonged to Merida, feeling like this makes me feel a little bit sad because I really apprecia