
Showing posts from July, 2023

Why is the comeback of My Chemical Romance so big?

One of the most popular bands from the late 2000’s has finally returned after a prolonged separation, and it has been a tremendous success. The American band My Chemical Romance is currently in the middle of a comeback tour after its separation in 2013 and it feels like the group is more popular now than ever before. T he My Chemical Romance Reunion Tour has thus far been an unequivocal smash: through 21 dates across the U.K. and Europe in May and June, the trek earned $21.1 million with 277,000 tickets sold . Those numbers make the reunion run the biggest tour of My Chemical Romance’s career and it’s not even one third of the way complete ( Lipshutz ). It is undoubtable that one of the main reasons for this success is that the fans had been waiting for almost a decade for this reunion to happen without knowing that it would, so maybe future tours will not be as profitable. Nevertheless, the important thing to know is that this punk-rock band is currently at the peak of its pop

Albert Camus, famous works.

 Who was Albert Camus? I always love reading a good book. Everyday I try to read some sort of story or short book, so that I can maintain my ability to read and understand literal and metaphorical sentences. I also love philosofy, more on the curious side of the human mind more than the actual part of becoming a philosofer, so I started to read into various works from multiple authors, and one of the most interesting ones, and the one I am writing this blog about, is Albert Camus. Albert Camus was a french philosofer and author, born in the 7th of November in 1913. He is known for his works and books that talk about the phylosofical theory of absurdism, one where the universe is thought to be irrational and meaningless. Camus is known for writing very heavy stories, that talk about the feeling of meaninglessness, lack of connection, and emptyness. The Stranger (1965) One of his most aclaimed and known works is "The Stranger", the story of a man that does not have the capabili